This website has been created by LE PORC GOURMET S.A. (hereinafter, “PORC GOURMET”, “PORC GOURMET S.A.” or the “Company”) for informational purposes for PERSONAL USE and FREE. LEGAL NOTICE This regulates the use of the Internet portal service, including Terms of Use for the protection of users of the same and to safeguard the rights of LE PORC GOURMET S.A. against possible violations.

Company Identification: Company established in BOLLO AFUERAS, SN,SANTA EUGENIA DE BERGA, 08519, BARCELONA, CATALUÑA and CIF A50596642, [email protected] email address, telephone +34 976.51.40.29 registered in the register of Barcelona, Volume 519, General 341 Section 3 ª, Folio 33, Page 6776, 1st Inscription.

All information contained on this website, including any content, text, images, graphics or code in HTML, JAVA, JAVA Script, FLASH, among others, is intellectual property ownership belongs to LE PORC GOURMET S.A.

“It is for LE PORC GOURMET S.A. the exclusive rights of exploitation of the aforementioned intellectual property in any form, and in particular the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation. “

Internet users who access this website are expressly authorized to view all the information contained in it, and to make “download” or reproduce the same in their own computer systems as long as the elements which have been reproduced are intended solely for personal use, and not subsequently transferred or transmitted to third parties or installed on any server connected directly or indirectly to the Internet or a local network so that it possible access to these third parties such information owned by LE PORC GOURMET S.A. by means other than the website. In this sense, Internet users are not allowed to proceed to the distribution, modification, public communication cesióno information (texts or images) contained in the web, including via email envíoa or distribution in any form and whatever its purpose, to a plurality of users.

Any violation of the prohibitions and limitations contained in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed infringement of intellectual property rights owned by LE PORC GOURMET S.A., and will, result in legal action to effect and may be pursued by the latter through the exercise of administrative, civil or criminal, if any, apply.

Access to this site and its users can use made ​​of the information contained therein, is the sole responsibility of those users. LE PORC GOURMET S.A. not responsible for the consequences, damages or losses that may arise from such access or use of information.

Also, LE PORC GOURMET S.A. owns the intellectual property rights relating to its products and services and specifically those relating to trademarks mentioned throughout the website, and in particular those contained in the product and brand channel.

The access of Internet users to this website in no way grants them any right to use or exploit in any way such intellectual property rights. Any violation or injury that occurs in this sense, will result in legal action and may be pursued by LE PORC GOURMET S.A. through the exercise of administrative, civil or criminal, if any, apply.

LE PORC GOURMET S.A. not guarantee the absence of errors in the access to its website or its content, nor that it is updated, although its best efforts to, as appropriate, to prevent, correct, or update the content. Also, GEORGE S. L. assumes no liability for any information contained in other websites to which this Website may refer via hyperlinks or “links”.

The purpose of the links displayed on this site is for informational purposes only, not assuming, in any case, a suggestion or invitation to the user to visit the target sites. LE PORC GOURMET S.A. shall in no case responsible for the results obtained or intended that the internet user of the websites that you access through those links.

LE PORC GOURMET S.A. not be liable for any damage that may be caused to computer system of Internet users for any reason, including, without limitation, damage which may be caused to users of the Internet as a result of the existence of virus in the network. Also, GEORGE S. L. not answer any interruption, error or failure occurring in the system due to a malfunction of the network or servers connected to it.

LE PORC GOURMET S.A. reserves the right to prohibit or restrict access to any Internet user to enter the Web any content contrary to law or immoral. Furthermore, LE PORC GOURMET S.A. shall take the legal action it deems appropriate to prevent any type of conduct contrary to the law or immoral, and cooperate with the authorities in identifying the persons responsible for entering the Web content that could be a violation of the law.

LE PORC GOURMET S.A. reserves the right to make at any time and without prior notice, changes and updates to the information contained on its website or in the configuration and presentation.


LE PORC GOURMET S.A. informs you that access to and use of the website and all subdomains and directories that may be included under the same (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Website), and, as services that could offer a through that domain, are subject to the terms described in this Privacy Policy, notwithstanding that access to some of these services may require the acceptance of additional General Conditions.

Any use of this Site or the Services contained therein constitute acceptance of the legal terms contained in this text.

The User who acts against the image, good name or reputation of LE PORC GOURMET S.A., and who use illegal or fraudulent designs, logos or content of the Site, will be liable to the Company for their actions.

The Portal is intended to inform about the activities and the products and services provided by LE PORC GOURMET S.A., so the information contained therein, unless otherwise stated, it is only such as information.


GROUPO JORGE, the parent company of LE PORC GOURMET S.A., has a personal data protection policy adapted to the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), regarding the use the Company makes of the data of a personal nature it collects. It informs the User in detail of the essential circumstances of this use and the security measures applied to their personal data to prevent unauthorised third parties from accessing them.

The aforementioned regulations limit the personal data collected by the website to those required for commercial and/or professional purposes that the users themselves freely and voluntarily provide with their express consent. The data collected from the company’s website will be used by LE PORC GOURMET S.A., or an appropriate company in the same business group (according to the purpose for which these data are provided), which will be responsible for processing them and will be covered by the provisions of the GDPR and the security measures required by current regulations implemented by the company. These data may be processed by the company according to the purpose for which they were provided by taking into account the legal requirements regarding the duration they are kept.

Users have the right of access to their personal data, to request their rectification if inaccurate and, where appropriate, request their deletion if they consider the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, among other reasons. These rights may be exercised via an email addressed to [email protected].


The applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms in this legal notice, and any matter relating to the services of this portal will be Spanish law.

For the resolution of any disputes that may arise in connection with the visit to the Site or use of the services it could offer, LE PORC GOURMET S.A. and the User expressly agree to submit to the Courts of the registered office of LE PORC GOURMET S.A. in Barcelona.

Use of the website attributes the condition of user and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice.